

Epistasis Definition Epistasis is the interaction between genes that influences a phenotype. Genes can either mask each other so that one is considered “dominant” or they can combine to produce a new trait. It is the conditional relationship between two genes that can determine a single phenotype of some traits. At each locus are two … Read more

Genetic Drift vs. Gene Flow vs. Natural Selection

Genetic Drift

Genetic drift, gene flow, and natural selection may sound similar or even confusing to some. All three are mechanisms in the evolutionary process that have to do with alleles and/or gametes, but there are several significant differences. Discussions about genes and natural selection usually include the term allele. An allele is just one version of … Read more



Petiole Definition A petiole is the stalk that attaches a leaf to the stem of a plant. People often refer to it as a stem, which is incorrect. In contrast to stems, which support the plant and produce nodes and roots, petioles do not produce nodes or roots. The nodes in the picture below are … Read more